2012 – 2013 Book Groups and Workshops for Dummerston, VT

Southeast Vermont Learning Collaborative, Dummerston, VT


Flow of History Regional Group: Tuesdays, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
9/25, 10/23, 11/13, 12/11, 1/8, 2/5, 3/12, 4/9, 5/21

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Group: Wednesdays, 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
9/26, 10/24, 11/14, 12/12, 1/9, 2/6, 3/13, 4/10, 5/15

for Claremont and Hartford groups, click here

This year’s program focuses on village life in Vermont during the 19th century. The first half of the year explores nineteenth-century daily life, work, and trade through primary sources found in southern Vermont communities. In the spring sessions center around the diary of an 8-year-old girl, written in 1911.  Topics will include technological innovations, schooling, the expansion of the world through trains and automobiles, and child labor.

Each monthly session will combine background reading from Jan Albers’ Hands on the Land with picture books and primary sources geared toward the elementary student. Reading strategies and the inquiry process will be modeled throughout the year, and we will consider how these tools and approaches connect with the new Common Core standards. The year will culminate with a student work session when all teachers will share a primary source activity and examples of student work and assessment from their classrooms.

Fall: Villages as Places to Live, Work, and Trade

Session 1: What is history and how do we find it on the land?

September 25 or 26
Reading: Hands on the Land: Introduction
Picture Book: Virginia Lee Burton, The Little House

Session 2: Where did people live?
October 23 or 24
Reading: Hands on the Land: Claiming the Land, pp. 65 – 125
Primary Sources: Landscape Paintings & Maps

Session 3: Farm Life and the Great Merino Sheep Craze
November 13 or 14
Reading: Hands on the Land: The Classic Agrarian Landscape, pp. 126 – 151
Picture Books: Charlie Needs a Cloak, A Symphony for the Sheep
Primary Sources: Landscape Paintings & Artifacts

Session 4: Work and Trade in a Village and the Abandonment of VT Farms
December 11 or 12
Reading: Hands on the Land: The Classic Agrarian Landscape, pp. 151 – 195
Picture Books: Ox-Cart Man, Going to Town
Primary Sources: Landscape Painting, Maps, Walton’s VT Register, Newspapers

Spring: Through the Eyes of a Child: Vermont Life after the Civil War

Session 5: Returning Home: Alice Bushnell’s Diary
January 8 or 9
Reading: Hands on the Land: Creating Vermont’s Yankee Kingdom, pp. 196 – 224
Picture Book: Lucy’s Christmas
Primary Sources: Alice Bushnell’s Diary, Sears Catalog, Artifacts

Session 6: The Expanding World
February 5 or 6
Reading: Hands on the Land: Creating Vermont’s Yankee Kingdom, pp. 225 – 267
Picture Book: Henry Ford and the Model T
Primary Sources: Maps, Photographs

Session 7: “I went to school as usual”
March 12 or 13
Picture Book: Daisy and the Doll
Primary Sources: McGuffey Reader, Photographs, School Records

Session 8: Other Children’s Lives–Child Labor in Vermont
April 9 or 10
Reading: Counting on Grace
Picture Book: The Two Brothers
Primary Sources: Lewis Hine Photographs, Census Materials

Session 9: Student Work Session
May 15 or 21

$400 stipend to teachers who participate in all nine sessions. Stipends will be awarded after submission of a relevant lesson plan and participation in evaluation activities. Participants will receive 18 hours of recertification credit.

Evaluation Activities include pre- and post-participant surveys and interviews. The survey is a measurement of the programs–individual answers are not seen by project staff.

REGISTRATION: Free, books and digitized primary sources provided

To Register, go to: http://www.learningcollaborative.org/course_registration
Under course name, type: Flow of History
Under location, enter Tuesday or Wednesday (WSESU Teachers) Group
TAKE NOTE: Book groups are limited to 12 participants, first come/first served.

Registration Deadline: September 4, 2012